"When you are in the place of uncertainty, just do what you do. God brought you there to do what you do, and the expansion will happen." — TD Jakes
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Have you ever been in a season of your life where it feels like you are floating? It looks like you know what you want and where you need to be but somehow lost the map that could take you there. It's that kind of season where God gives you a vision without too many details. And you're trying to figure the 'how' all by yourself!
Or have we have settled into our daily routines, going through the motions, wondering 'where does this lead to?, is this where I should be?'. Do uncomfortable situations cause you to cross-examine your purpose? Do you feel stuck in your present season and having to change that diet, feeling confined in a job, marriage, or relationship, confronted by the necessity to have difficult conversations?
Regardless of how uncertainty confronts you, it feels like one has lost their rhythm, then follows overanalyzing everything, counting the 'what-ifs' — chaos. But suddenly, something reminds you that it's time to get your groove back.
As an ardent Grey's fan, it was refreshing to read Shonda's Year of Yes. In her book, she called this season of her life; "Year of Yes." It resembles this floating season, where things around us certify us to stay down. But, who says there aren't nudges around you, that makes us realize floating is not an option anymore, that comfort is overrated, that you have to flourish in your darkest moments and be happy being there?
This season reminds us that the places we need to be, people you would be with, words you would hear and say, things you would do, and how you would do them must be 'next level.' You might have no clue how it would all happen, but you know that anything less than happy isn't for you anymore.
This season may look like there's no way out of a bad economy, a decaying relationship, a seemingly unprofitable venture, or a daily monotonous routine. Yet God assures us with a calming peace to stay doing what you have been doing and even do it better than you ever have (Philippians 4:6-7, Psalm 121:3-8)!
Let's walk through these nudges together;
Be Thankful and Trustful
With the numerous lessons this 352-page book had to offer, one stands out the most, "finding happiness in your most uncomfortable places." I am a big believer in understanding your seasons in life, being ok with it, and celebrating it. In times when you might struggle with a closed-door or some slow season, you may fuss a bit ('cause you're human), then submit it to Jesus, and dance to some 'I hope you dance' by Gladys Knight.
Choose to count your blessings. Here, we have to not only walk in what God has said but what He is saying. It's hard, baby, but Christ is in you, the hope of Glory (Colossians 1:27).
You could ever be happy when you remember who your True Source is, and stand firm on the promises of God. You have the choice to thrive and be happy in these chaotic moments! True happiness, joy in its purest form comes from the Lord. The joy of the Lord is your strength (Nehemiah 8:10)!
By showing gratitude, you activate trust in God as well. Your faith makes him swell with pride, and He starts to shift pieces across the board on your behalf.
Accept what you know and what you don't
Can we already settle into the fact that we are human? All things wouldn't be revealed to us all at once, we can't figure out everything perfectly every time, we can't always say the right things, have the perfect knowledge about everything all the time. There will be blunders or knowledge gaps and that's why we have to relieve ourselves of the 'Omniscience' duty (Psalm 147:5).
It is ok to say, "this is how far my intellect takes me, I accept what I know, and recognize what I don't." And breathe!!
It is appreciating the depth of your experience but still staying open to lessons yet to come, surrendering yourself to what is yet to be revealed (Deuteronomy 29:29).
We open ourselves to rely on God and others who can help us be and know better.
Letting go of what you can and can't control
Is it tempting to want things to stay the same forever? We want to be able to predict how we want things to start or end. And life has a 'pleasant' sense of humor!
So, pause for a minute here and just open palms upward, close your eyes, and breathe in and then out, set an intention right now to be kind to yourself and let stuff go!
We can't control the stock market changes, or the reactions we get from people, and so on (Ephesians 4:31-32, John 8:32, 1 John 1:9). But guess what? All you can do is, do what you can with what you have and who you are.
Let "The I Am That I Am" have the driver-seat (Revelation 1:8, Exodus 3:14, Isaiah 41:10). Treat yourself right and let things go God's way!
Stay On It
It is in this floater, what-am-I-doing, should-I-be-here season that you learn the most uncomfortable lessons and reminders of your vision. Uncertainty is a next-level scary movie. But you have to be content with this part of your story.
Don't Run!
Pray about it, stay on your grind, and learn the lessons for that season. Keep doing what you're doing. Stay on it because it is in these seasons of unsureness that God stretches you (2 Corinthians 4:16-18). Don't look over at your neighbor's green grass. Stay on it, and water yours!
This may be different for you. For some people, this might be upgrading your thought process or skill-level or prepping yourself for your next level. I love this part because this is the treat-yourself-right part, this is the part that you have to choose to be kind to yourself, and be proud of where you are.
Free yourself what you used to know, let those old doors close, and shake off the traditions you used to know. Remember, new wine in old wineskin is a bad combination (Matthew 9:17)! Get ready to step into what has for you! You got this!
As I take a break now to catch up on reruns of Grey's, I pray that there'll be a deep stirring in your soul to do what makes you smile. I hope that as you flourish the uncomfortable, you will have the stability and wisdom from God to be in your happy place, and realize that you deserve nothing less than God's happiness.
See you soon!
Love & Peace,
The Lady Nudge.
'I tell you not to worry about your life. Don't worry about having something to eat, drink, or wear. Isn't life more than food or clothing? Look at the birds in the sky! They don't plant or harvest. They don't even store grain in barns. Yet your Father in heaven takes care of them. Aren't you worth much more than birds? Can worry make you live longer? God gives such beauty to everything that grows in the fields, even though it is here today and thrown into a fire tomorrow. God will surely do even more for you! Why do you have such little faith? Don't worry and ask yourselves, “Will we have anything to eat? Will we have anything to drink? Will we have any clothes to wear?” Don't worry about tomorrow. It will take care of itself. You have enough to worry about today.'
Matthew 6:25-27,30-31,34 CEV
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Sources: Rhimes, S., 2015.Year Of Yes: How To Dance It Out, Stand In The Sun And Be Your Own Person., forbes.com, huffpost.com, biblegateway.com
Author's Disclaimer: All content of this blog is for informational and inspirational purposes only, and represents the opinions, experiences, and research made by the author.
Amazing! spoke directly to me.